发布时间:2009-10-10 12:35:00
To protect Cultural Relics
It is reported that the second Saturday each June is China Cultural Heritage Day, whose aim is to remind people of the importance of protecting the cultural relics around us.
As we all know, it is important to protect cultural relics because cultural relics are not only of great value, but also help us get a better understanding of China’s history and culture. As a Chinese, we mustn’t forget our great past. Besides, we can learn a lot from our ancestors and feel proud of being a Chinese while enjoying the cultural relics. What’s more, they have a positive effect on local economy as the government manages to develop tourism so that the local people can live a better life.
However, some cultural relics are being damaged now. For example, a lot of people throw rubbish on the ground wherever they are visiting. Also, the young like to write their names on walls of buildings which have survived for a long time. These bad behaviors have caused such a terrible result that a large number of cultural heritages have been badly destroyed, including the Great Wall – one of the wonders in the world.
Therefore, it is high time that we should take measures to protect cultural relics before it is too late. There are many things we can do. We can educate people by making speeches or putting up posters outside some places of interest. At the same time, money can be collected to have some threatened cultural relics repaired.
In a word, as a Chinese, it is our duty to spare no effort to protect cultural relics.
高一(11)班 陈枭
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