发布时间:2009-10-10 12:35:00
1. It is reported that the second Saturday in June every year is China Cultural Heritage Day, which is designed to make people realize the importance of protecting cultural relics.
2. First of all, some cultural relics are of great value, because they have such an amazing history as we could never have imagined. (袁琦)
3. Second, they have seen the development of history, so we can get a better understanding of China’s history and culture. (钟琴)
4. Cultural relics are so important that everyone should do what they can to protect them. (张柳琴)
5. For example, some people had dug out some cultural relics and sold them rather than protect them. (陈凡超)
6. There is no doubt that precious historical relics are disappearing if people keep destroying them. (姜楠)
7. We can raise money to set up an organization whose task is protecting cultural relics.
8. After all, protecting cultural relics is one of the longest and hardest things that should be done by all people. (李维佳)
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