发布时间:2010-11-10 13:19:00
Blame is Being Heaped on Tencet From Every Direction
By Yi Peng
~Because of the spat between Tencent and Qihoo 360, users cannot run 360 antivirus and QQ at the same time. Initially at least, Tencent has received all the blame.
~First, 360 is a local company and is looking out for its own interests. Users feel that Tencent, an internet heavyweight, did not need to be dragged into this game of chicken, especially when only 360 has anything to gain.
~Second, 360 is free, and by far the most preferred antivirus software. Tencent’s decision to block 360 looks like blackmail to its 600 million plus users.
~Lastly, viewers have a choice. QQ may be popular but there are many alternatives including Windows Live Messenger, microblogging, email, etc.
~Tencent may find itself short of allies if public opinion turns against it. Other internet services are looking to profit from the quarrel and will not work with Tencent if the company becomes sufficiently unpopular.
~But despite all the blame, Tencent is justified in asserting its territory, and may pay a price later if it does not. But the quarrel is likely to last, and we will wait to see how it turns out.
Original Article: [Chinese]
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