发布时间:2010-11-10 13:19:00
今天上英语课时候,想让学生作一个口头翻译,通过翻译帮助掌握英语用法。恰好有几个短语(equip, regret, comment)的可以与最近的360VSQQ事件挂钩。于是我就让学生造了如下句子
A lot of computers are equipped with 360 and QQ. Recently, users have received a notice, saying I regret to tell you that you can not use QQ and 360 at the same time.
有关360 VS QQ 请看如下报道,网友真是太有才了
A Sampling of Chinese Microblog Comments on the Conflict
Compiled by Sheng Chao, Wang Yimian, and Ma Jinke
~Have you ever seen McDonald’s stopping their customers from purchasing food at KFC? Have you ever seen Cannon stopping their customers from buying Nikon? Have you ever seen Adidas forcing customers in their shop to remove their Nike underwear? Have you ever seen Apple not let its customers install Windows on their laptops? This is my computer!!! Mine! It will not stop if you say stop or uninstall software as soon as you tell it to! Is your father Li Gang?
~Today mid-term elections took place in the US. Americans chose between two political parties, Chinese people are choosing between two types of malicious software.
~I’ve installed 360 on my home computer, my office computer and my laptop. I should thank the little penguin, because from now on, my children won’t be able to secretly play on QQ anymore.
~A second-class judiciary can only produce a second-class industry. Plagiarizing and monopolizing are the foundation for establishing a company and Tencent has accomplished them both. Innovation cannot be protected and small companies cannot survive. China’s technology industry is confronting America’s developed industry, and feels inferior in front of its superior. Individually, a Chinese person may be smarter than an American, but China lacks the system that would allow intelligence and talent to flourish.
Original Article: [Chinese]
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