The £1,000,000 pound Bank-Note

发布时间:2010-03-15 13:54:00


    "Henry, Henry, you'll ruin us!"

    "Don't you be afraid. Just keep up those looks, and trust to me. It'll all come out right."

    So, as it turned out, I had to keep bolstering up her courage all the way. She kept pleading with me, and saying:

    "Oh, please remember that if we ask for too much we may get no salary at all; and then what will become of us, with no way in the world to earn our living?"

    We were ushered in by that same servant, and there they were, the two old gentlemen. Of course, they were surprised to see that wonderful creature with me, but I said:

    "It's all right, gentlemen; she is my future stay and helpmate."

    And I introduced them to her, and called them by name. It didn't surprise them; they knew I would know enough to consult the directory. They seated us, and were very polite to me, and very solicitous to relieve her from embarrassment, and put her as much at her ease as they could. Then I said:

    "Gentlemen, I am ready to report."

    "We are glad to hear it," said my man, "for now we can decide the bet which my brother Abel and I made. If you have won for me, you shall have any situation in my gift. Have you the million-pound note?"

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