听说考试Part B可能被提到的问题

发布时间:2015-03-09 23:04:00

内容提要:2015年广东高考英语听说考试Part B可能被提到的问题

18 为什么两者间会有不同?

Why is there difference between them?

19 为什么您会对中国如此感兴趣? Why are you so interested in China?

20 您认为您作了一个正确的决定吗? Do you think you made a right decision?

21 直达车的票价是多少?

How much does a non-stop cost?

22 2035年医学科学上会有突破吗?

Is there any breakthrough in medical science in 2035?

23 未来的汽车会有什么变化? How will future cars change?

24 未来生活还有什么其他变化?

What other changes will there be in future life?

25 Susan的其他日程安排是什么? What else did Susan schedule?

26 Sam给了Susan什么建议?

What suggestion did Sam give Susan? / What was Sam’s suggestion to Susan?

27 我需要有好奇心吗?

Do I need to have curiosity?

28 寻找校园生活周围的有趣事情有价值吗?

Is it worth looking for interesting things around school life?

29 在新西兰多久会发生一次家庭火灾?

How often does a house fire break out in New Zealand?

30 在家中, 哪里是经常发生伤害事故的地方?

Inside the house, where do the majority of all injuries occur?

31 每年有多少伤害是由于人们从梯子掉下来而造成的?

How many injuries are caused by people falling off ladders every year?

32 如果没有人收养Gemma, 我们该怎么办?

What should we do if there is no one to adopt Gemma?

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