
发布时间:2018-03-03 09:14:00


 2018-02-20 魏勇 baishile ba百试乐英语百试乐英语
英文写作中有一种技巧就是使用头韵修辞格。简单来说,就是两个单词的第一个音节,发音相同,换句话说,就是使用同样的字母开头。这种修辞格,通常都是成对出现的,使用and或者or相连。如I wish you healthy and happy. 我祝您健康快乐。Early to bed, and early to rise makes a person wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人富有且聪明。Don’t drink and drive. 喝酒不开车。在完形填空题中,有时候,也会遇到这样的选项,不妨可以尝试一下。
1.[2017·北京卷] More recently, the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada’s _____48_____ and homeless.
48. A. elderly  B. hungry  C. lonely  D. sick
2.[2017·全国卷Ⅱ] He would _____45_____ the loudest over fun.
45. A. speak  B. sing  C. question  D. laugh
3.Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man sleep in his truck. Another time, he _____55_____ a friend money to buy a house.
55. A.paid  B.charged  C.lent  D.owed
4.[2017·全国卷Ⅲ] Axani wrote in his post that he is not looking for anything in return and that the woman who uses the ticket can choose to either travel with him or _____57_____ the ticket to travel on her own.
57. A. return  B. take  C. reserve  D. hide
5.[2015·江苏] He unfortunately passed away last year due to his cancer, but he left a deep impression on me and gave me the _____54_____to pick up my pen again.
54.A. guidance    B. trust 
    C. opportunity  D. inspiration
1. On January 10, Jade Hameister became the youngest person to achieve a polar hat-trick, having reached both the North and South poles as well as crossing Greenland. However, there are always those who'd rather focus on her ______ than her achievements.
 A. score  B. appearance  C. income  D. family
2. A squirrel now has become a social media focus. The squirrel nearly killed eight years ago by an owl, continues to visit the South Carolina family that rescued, raised and later __________ her into the wild.
A. stretched  B. helped  C. released  D. quitted
1、解析:B hungry与homeless构成同韵的修辞格,且都表示需要帮助的人,故选B。
2、解析:D Freddy性格开朗,遇到趣事会开怀大笑, laugh与loudest构成头韵修辞格。
3、解析:C  Freddy借钱给朋友购房,let与lent构成头韵修辞格。
4、解析:B 使用这张票的人可以和他一起旅行,也可以拿走(take)票自己去旅行,travel与take构成头韵修辞格。
5、解析:D  他去年不幸因癌症去世,但他给我留下了深刻的印象,他给了我鼓舞然我重新开始写作,inspiration与impression同时押头韵和尾韵,读起来朗朗上口。
答案:1. B   2. C

·谁编的完形填空顺口溜,绝了! 高频词+视频录音,火速收藏05-18