央视新闻大改版 三档节目换新颜

发布时间:2009-08-18 16:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn


  继《朝闻天下》改版后,央视午间重磅新闻节目《新闻30分》7月31日也悄然"变脸"。细心的观众还发现,央视收视率最高的新闻节目《新闻联播》,也进行了部分调整。 On July 31, the midday News in 30 minutes was revamped, following the lead of the Morning News program. And it seems that CCTV News, which tops the organization's ratings, has also been given a face-lift.
   虽然央视方面否认《新闻联播》正式改版,但承认节目做出了一些调整尝试。记者从央视方面获悉,此次央视改版不会像外界传言有一个具体时间点,而将采用渐进式,核心就是加强新闻节目的新闻性。 Although CCTV News denies radical changes, officials admit that adjustments have been made. They say there is no plan for a complete overhaul, but that they do have in mind gradual improvement to their news programming.

  7月27日,央视新闻频道早间新闻节目《朝闻天下》成为央视改版先锋,在主持人和节目的包装上进行改革,被网友评为"央视最美女主播"的央视四套《今日亚洲》原主持人胡蝶的亮相,成为最大看点。 On July 27, News in 30 Minutes became the first one to revamp The program now has new theme music and a new anchor, former Asia Today host Hu Die, who is being called "CCTV's most beautiful anchorwoman".

  据悉,央视大改版正在逐步进行中,200多名主持人岗位面临调整。央视同时将进一步调整对主持人的管理,整合主持人资源,让更多新面孔出现在新闻节目中,并且要求主持人体现轻松、亲民风格。 There are to be changes across the network, with more than 200 presenters vacating their positions. CCTV will be looking into the way it selects its presenters and giving opportunities to new blood. The network says it is aiming for a relaxing, friendly style of program presentation.

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