
发布时间:2015-05-27 18:49:00



26-30 CBAAD  31-35 DABCD  36-40  DABCB 41-45 CABDC  46-50 ACEBF

16. a    17. in 18. were invited   19. who 20. that

21. least  22. without  23. sadly   24. to say  25. it


One possible version:

Beijing World Park is located in the southwest of Feng Tai District, Beijing, 16 kilometers away from Tian An Men Square. Covering an area of 46.7 hectares, it is one of the biggest miniature theme parks in China. The park is designed according to the five continents and the four oceans. It is made up of 119 well-known cultural landscapes from 50 countries in the world. Besides, as one of the Top 10 Tourist Attractions of Beijing, Beijing World Park has already been doing business for over 20 years and altogether received 20,000,000 Chinese and foreign tourists since it was open to the public on October 25th, 1993.


One possible version:

In order to have enough time to accompany his daughter to learn the violin, Sun Shenglong gave up his well-paid job to be a full-time father, which has caused a heated debate in China.

I am not in favor of what Sun Shenglong did although he has succeeded in turning his daughter into a violin virtuoso. However, many parents around me also make sacrifices for their children. Some change their jobs while others move near the key schools in order to make it more convenient for their children to study. And some mothers even give up their favorite jobs to accompany their children.

As for me, I don't think it is appropriate for parents to quit their jobs in order to provide better conditions for their children. For one thing, parents have their own careers and they can display their talents and make contributions to society. For another, children should learn to pursue their dreams on their own instead of totally depending on their parents.
